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....Scalability with CRM & Projects - Renewable Energy..Skalierbarkeit – Erneuerbare Energien....

....With growth rates of 40% the renewable energy companies struggled to meet their clients' demands. Hence efficiency & scalability become key success factors. The ai-team reviewed the situation, proposed a solution approach, evaluated the key apps to implement and rolled out a fully integrated digital solution in 9 months: Zoho One..Mit Wachstumsraten von 40% hatten die Unternehmen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien Schwierigkeiten, die Anforderungen ihrer Kunden zu erfüllen. Damit werden Effizienz und Skalierbarkeit zu entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktoren. Das AI-Team überprüfte die Situation des Unternehmens, schlug Lösungsansätze vor, bewertete die wichtigsten zu implementierenden Apps und führte innerhalb von 9 Monaten eine vollständig integrierte digitale Lösung ein: Zoho One....

....Get an impression of..Lernen Sie.... Zoho CRM, Zoho ProjectsZoho Books, Zoho Contracts, Zoho SalesIQ.... or all Zoho One apps.. oder alle Zoho One Apps kennen....

3 Business Lines

With very different needs, combined in one solution, Zoho One, tailored for each.

180 Users

Changed from a multitude of workflows to 3 key streams, with performance reporting accross the group.

5 Countries

Onboard a group-wide digital platform with exciting analytics - and AI capabilities.

7 Apps

CRM, Project Management, Contract Management, Web & Marketing Campaigns plus selected Analytics & IT Services.

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....New Digital Business - Wealth Management..Neues digitales Geschäft – Vermögensverwaltung....

....Differentiation in a traditional business is hard. Digitalization gives an edge. Hence a top brand built a new digital wealth manager from scratch. The ai-team brought this business to live in a complex enterprise setting, involving CRM, wealth app & banking apps..Die Differenzierung in gesättigten Märkten ist schwierig. Aber Digitalisierung bringt Vorsprung. Daher hat eine Top-Marke einen neuen digitalen Vermögensverwalter von Grund auf aufgebaut. Das AI-Team hat dieses Unternehmen in einem komplexen Unternehmensumfeld zum Leben erweckt, welches CRM-, Vermögens-Apps und Banking-Apps umfasst....

1 New Business Model

Provide transparent digital wealth management.

3 New Partnerships

Apps, business service providers and the product owner in a new business.

50 Project Members

With a very broad range of responsibilities, expereinces & skills - none having collaborated in the joint area before.

1 Goal

An excellent client experience with digital and on-site interaction, built from scratch.

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....More Projects - AI & Digital..Weitere Projekte – KI & Digital....

....Since 20 years in AI, Digitalization & Software, we just highlight a few more experiences here:..Seit 20 Jahren in den Bereichen KI, Digitalisierung und Software tätig, möchten wir hier wichtige Erfahrungen hervorheben:....

Recommender System for Wealth Management

Finding the right adviser is key to a long lasting relationship. AI matches the needs of your clients on all levels. The ai-team built the digital business model, AI system and digital workflows.

Onboarding Compliance for International Banking

Cross-country banking requires careful compliance management, knowing your customers and providing the appropriate services. Digitalization & automation eases the tedious comliance requirements to be met. The ai-team implemented digital onboarding processes for various clients.

Business Process Outsourcing

Balancing service cost, quality and availability is key. Focusing on your core capabilities, too. Business Process Outsourcing is the answer to run shared services cost effectively while focusing on your core business capabilities. The ai-team shaped relations, SLAs and run outsourced services.

Assisting the Experts

Leveraging experts is a key benefit of Large Language Models. Driving the adoption in business helps minimizing capacity limitations on the human side. The ai-team introduced AI in the daily operations of expert organizations, helping to ease growth pressures.

....Start your project with us..Ihr Projekt mit uns diskutieren....